Maplethorpe, Lincolnshire, England 2005

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Happy fucking anniversary to me...probably the worst year of my life (not that very many people had at least a decent one)

I don't know honestly how many people are going to bother reading this, including the handful of Facebook friends who're aware I revived the blog, but it's something I was planning on when I did start here goes hopefully something... 
Preface...back in 2000, I had a heart attack...while I've had high blood pressure since even before my teens (runs in my family) I wasn't regular about taking anything to keep it under control...didn't know better and at that time I guess I didn't care...but I was at work, knew what was going on, that vice grip around the armpit to a level I'd never felt before, or thankfully since...had someone call 911, and I was immediately being shipped to St. Vincent's Hospital in Greenwich Village (which no longer exists, but that's yet another matter)...they gave me nitroglycerine and morphine, and I couldn't even enjoy the latter...went to sleep quite quickly...woke up hours later on my back, essentially immobilized by the chest tube and as I recall some plastic device over my groin...they'd successfully implanted a stent, and the cardiology surgeon who performed the procedure informed me I had slightly thicker blood than average, and that I was lucky to have gotten there in time, or I could have blown out my aorta...I was ordered to take two weeks off work (and I had a desk job back then) with an option to take a third if I didn't quite feel up to it. 
Oddly enough, no more than a week before that, I supported some friends on a charity walk around the perimeter of Central Park (which I believe is four miles), but felt fine and didn't break a sweat. Anyway, I was discharged a day earlier than planned based on my general condition. I lost so much weight just over the weekend that I ate two pounds of pasta a day the first week just to build back least that worked... Unfortunately, despite my health improving, it left me quite emotionally vulnerable...ended up thinking I was in love with what turned out to be the wrong woman, jumped to the point of engagement and left my life behind to move to a small town in failed miserably, and I left my life behind again, coming to Connecticut, where my sister and her family lived (and still do) with little more than a suitcase of clothing...slept on their living room couch for about a year... 
Fast forward...I'd been seeing doctors on a fairly normal basis, was taking medications, but only saw a cardiologist once, as I recall...he left the practice I was a patient at and became a resident at the local...okay, it's one I know wants to have to go to a hospital even as an outpatient, and it was another thing I let slide, though I was still usually taking medications...laid off from a job and took a few months to find another, so as I recall I was temporarily getting prescriptions from the government, but still let them lapse, hoping for the best. 
Now it starts getting internist died of pneumonia, and I decided to opt for a pulmonologist, knowing at least the systems are connected...I saw him for a few months, then he asked when the last time I saw a cardiologist was, and I said it was a long time...he arranged for me to start seeing one that I happen to feel quite confident and comfortable with...the first visit happened to be February 3rd of last year, which some might know is my birthday. They gave me an EKG and found something seriously irregular and immediately scheduled me for an far, so unsurprising. Unfortunately, the result of that procedure was that I had so much vascular damage...90 percent occlusion in one, and 75 percent in two more...that another implant wasn't really feasible...note here that for most of my life, I was a cigarette smoker, and that was the only thing they were able to attribute that damage level to...they then scheduled me for open heart surgery...naturally I wasn't happy about it, but I was resigned to it...I did manage to stop smoking a week before the procedure was scheduled...I thought if I'm gonna put myself through all this, I'd better at least improve my odds... 
This part virtually no one a routine pre-op procedure, they had me arrange to take a blood test, at a well-known private laboratory (I won't mention the name)...wasn't at all concerned, since my bloodwork was usually fine...but the next day I got a call from the cardiologist way before office hours began (I was actually getting ready for work when I got the call) telling me I had a potentially fatal potassium level and I should go to the hospital for an emergency re-test. That second test, though admittedly a harrowing experience, was fine, and they believed the original sample was somehow contaminated or mishandled, but everything could progress as scheduled. 
Now we're at February 24, 2020...I'd gone through the personal preparations (I think I was mildly allergic to the body scrub I was instructed to use, but only had to use it a couple of times) and was at St. Vincent's Bridgeport for the surgery itself...without names again, the actual surgeon is considered among the best in his field...they weren't particularly pleased about my casual (or perhaps careless) attitude, basically saying it didn't really matter if I made it or not, though I was there and optimistic about the actual operation, which turned out to be a success. 
Now consider that date...that was about the time the fan hit the shit (don't tell me I've got it backwards...the shit's always there, just waiting for something to stir it up) about the Coronavirus (I was either watching Sportscenter or CNN most of my waking time) one could have predicted then what was going to I'm still trying to rest (and I don't like sleeping on my back, but at first had little choice) and slowly literally getting back on my feet. Again, I made very good progress and was discharged on time, though I was forced to take two months' medical leave from work. That first three weeks, I again slept on my sister's couch, but at least this time we all knew I wouldn't have been well off alone...already the shelves were empty whenever we went shopping, but they'd prepared and it wasn't all too bad. I went home, still on the weak side, but not quite out of then, though, some states, including Connecticut, had started imposing lockdowns...I went around the block to get food and that was about it. While it was discussed with me, because of that I couldn't start cardiac rehab, since the hospitals were already closed except for emergency patients. The two months passed, and I still didn't feel quite myself, and ended up taking another month on my own...fortunately I was able to get unemployment to get by...eventually I felt good enough to get medically cleared to return to work with limitations...after a bit, those were lifted. So I trusted my own limits for a few months and was doing okay. 
Now, I happen to live in a state which allows right turns on red lights in most intersections, and I used to cross a particularly hazardous one every morning when I bought my morning coffee just before starting work. I have my own personal 9/11 nightmare as a result. I had the light and was going to the 7-11, but at the same time a line of cars was waiting to take that turn, one of which, an SUV, hit me...short of my upper teeth going completely through my lip, inside and out, I don't know that I've sustained other damage, at least not for certain. Again, I ended up in the ER, though I was discharged later after being stitched up...many people wondered if I was going to sue, but I always said I held nothing against the driver, who actually seemed more upset than I was, and because of spending about 25 years transcribing deposition and trial transcripts, I'd developed what amounts to contempt regarding litigation. In addition to developing a level of PTSD due to the accident itself (I now take the bus an extra stop to avoid crossing in the same direction, for one, and am considerably more wary about traffic in general...I can hear a truck signaling it's backing up blocks away and I'll still stop moving until I see where it's heading), the thought of a lawsuit brings back 25 years of bad vibes, so it's something I've kept firmly on the back burner. 
Anyway, I tried to return to as normal a lifestyle as I could, and did for a little over a month...while I can't remember the exact date, and don't feel like looking it up...sometime in October I felt something was seriously wrong, and called 911 again...they went through the usual tests and sent me back up to the hospital where I'd had the surgery the next day...they did another angiogram, and found I had suffered a myocardial infarction (one of the vessels they grafted had somehow collapsed)...technically, that's a heart attack...this time at least they were able to implant another stent and I went home after a couple of days and finally was able to start rehab...what I've never been able to find out is if the two were somehow connected... 
So I'm still in a constant healing arc, both physically and emotionally, with varying medications keep getting tweaked (as part of the pre-rehab interview and testing, they found my blood pressure was inexplicably approaching stroke level...I've also had a minor TIA, but with no lasting effects...I was kept overnight yet again, they put me back on a medication I was taken off of after the surgery, and had me follow up with my physicians). Turns out I not only was taking the wrong formulation of the main medication (Lopressor, though I cannot pronounce the generic name), but ended up having to double the dosage of the one I had to start taking far so good, though I can't say I'd be surprised if I hit the trifecta... 
Anyway, 2020 was one of the worst years in history, certainly the history I've been alive to experience, and my sincere sympathies to all who have lost someone or faced their own mortality...I just had a few extra fillips I certainly could have done without...but I'm still here, haven't lost the fight (if I have lost a great deal of an already tenuous faith)...and I have to thank my family, friends, all the medical staff that saw to my recovery...we can all hope the future is better, but I now have to live with even more of a past to haunt me forever...those who I love and love me, I need more than ever, and am grateful to all of you... 
Too soon to hope for a happy ending, but at least the book is still open...may we all somehow thrive. If you made it this far, thank you for always, comments are welcome, and I do not believe in censoring...stay tuned to this channel for further ramblings and developments and whatever...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

One of them random blurts you can come to expect...

Someone please explain to me why every guy on earth wants his girl to suck his cock, but nearly none of them will kiss her, I did and would
Okay, for starters, PC is what I've got sitting on my desk...while I don't intentionally offend, I also don't walk on eggshells to avoid sometimes saying something that might offend, and if I do want to offend, it's going to be a person, or at least a philosophy...

I don't care if you missed me...I'm back...


It's been a long time since I got back to this...sometimes words and images appear but I can't coherently piece them together anymore...well, some people used to say I was a good writer, but I was always a horrendous put up with the ramblings, rants, rages, and raves...time to start fresh...