Maplethorpe, Lincolnshire, England 2005

Sunday, June 6, 2010

How I was then...and today's thoughts

Circa 1980 (judging by the dates of the newer albums...those were mine...the sax wasn't...regrettably never learned to play an instrument)...
Mentioned previously it seems a time of remembrance and forgiveness...I even remembered why I'd started this damn blog in the first place...spurred into action by a surprising resurgence of faces from the past (OK, so sometimes they don't match memories...howdafug did I get from Dylan to Maher, anyway?)...and that pic reminds many of the past...but keeps the future thread's just too damn difficult to get back everything you thought you when you somehow find it, hang on as hard as you can...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Michelle Phillips - Victim Of Romance

Still a hopeless (and hopeful) romantic after all these years...funny when the past submerges from the depths and not only bites you in the ass, but kisses your cheek as well...perhaps it's the season, I don't know...but the time is ripe for remembrance and forgiveness.
Hell, I even lately find myself forgiving old sports a Mets fan, it's nearly sacreligious, but if it can't be them, I want to see Bobby Cox on top one last time...and the Steinbrenner curse seems to have finally lifted...the Yanks won my respect let's see if they can keep it...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stay tuned for future developments...

Currently under reconstruction, inside and out...but one very soggy phoenix is about to rise through the ashes...