Maplethorpe, Lincolnshire, England 2005

Friday, February 27, 2009

No I'm not...

...Bill Maher (though barely a day goes by without someone commenting on the resemblance...that's an old pic BTW). We're both sarcastic wiseasses with incisive observation, but that's about it. Over time more of those observations should creep out...tonight's just a quick update...
A bit after the fact, but sincere RIPs and condolences to friends and family of Lux Interior and the inimitable Bettie Page...more thoughts on Bettie to follow...till later, be well everyone.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, 2009

Hi there...finally bit the bullet...doubt you'd be here if you don't know me...and I guess this is a way for me to know and learn more about myself, as well as friends and curious strangers. Let me preface with one of my basic philosophies: No matter how wise and educated and worldly you think you are, if you believe there's nothing left to learn, you might as well crawl into that pine box and let them toss the dirt on you. I learn from my friends, from life, from everything I I hope to add random and not-so-random musings to give you a look inside me (and perhaps if I'm lucky, inside yourselves as well). The blog title itself should explain a bit long as you live and learn and grow, your entire life is a work in progress. I know mine is, and I look forward to progressing let's get started soon.